All files / lib/services/shapes solid.ts

100% Statements 15/15
100% Branches 0/0
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100% Lines 15/15

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import { OccHelper } from "../../occ-helper";
import { OpenCascadeInstance, TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Shell, TopoDS_Solid } from "../../../bitbybit-dev-occt/bitbybit-dev-occt";
import * as Inputs from "../../api/inputs/inputs";
import { Base } from "../../api/inputs/inputs";
export class OCCTSolid {
        private readonly occ: OpenCascadeInstance,
        private readonly och: OccHelper
    ) {
    fromClosedShell(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ShapeDto<TopoDS_Shell>): TopoDS_Solid {
        return this.och.solidsService.fromClosedShell(inputs);
    createBox(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.BoxDto): TopoDS_Solid {
        return this.och.solidsService.createBox(inputs);
    createCube(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.CubeDto): TopoDS_Solid {
        return this.och.solidsService.createCube(inputs);
    createBoxFromCorner(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.BoxFromCornerDto): TopoDS_Solid {
        return this.och.solidsService.createBoxFromCorner(inputs);
    createCylinder(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.CylinderDto): TopoDS_Solid {
        return this.och.solidsService.createCylinder(inputs);
    createCylindersOnLines(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.CylindersOnLinesDto): TopoDS_Solid[] {
        return this.och.solidsService.createCylindersOnLines(inputs);
    createSphere(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.SphereDto): TopoDS_Shape {
        return this.och.solidsService.createSphere(inputs);
    createCone(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ConeDto): TopoDS_Shape {
        return this.och.solidsService.createCone(inputs);
    getSolidSurfaceArea(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ShapeDto<TopoDS_Solid>): number {
        return this.och.solidsService.getSolidSurfaceArea(inputs);
    getSolidVolume(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ShapeDto<TopoDS_Solid>): number {
        return this.och.solidsService.getSolidVolume(inputs);
    getSolidsVolumes(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ShapesDto<TopoDS_Solid>): number[] {
        return this.och.solidsService.getSolidsVolumes(inputs);
    getSolidCenterOfMass(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ShapeDto<TopoDS_Solid>): Base.Point3 {
        return this.och.solidsService.getSolidCenterOfMass(inputs);
    getSolidsCentersOfMass(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ShapesDto<TopoDS_Solid>): Base.Point3[] {
        return this.och.solidsService.getSolidsCentersOfMass(inputs);
    getSolids(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ShapeDto<TopoDS_Shape>): TopoDS_Solid[] {
        return this.och.solidsService.getSolids(inputs);
    filterSolidPoints(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilterSolidPointsDto<TopoDS_Solid>): Base.Point3[] {
        return this.och.solidsService.filterSolidPoints(inputs);