All files / lib/services fillets.ts

91.3% Statements 84/92
70.96% Branches 22/31
100% Functions 21/21
91.2% Lines 83/91

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import { OccHelper } from "../occ-helper";
import { BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet2d_2, OpenCascadeInstance, TopAbs_ShapeEnum, TopoDS_Edge, TopoDS_Face, TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Vertex, TopoDS_Wire } from "../../bitbybit-dev-occt/bitbybit-dev-occt";
import * as Inputs from "../api/inputs/inputs";
export class OCCTFillets {
        private readonly occ: OpenCascadeInstance,
        private readonly och: OccHelper
    ) {
    filletEdges(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletDto<TopoDS_Shape>): TopoDS_Shape {
        return this.och.filletsService.filletEdges(inputs);
    filletEdgesList(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletEdgesListDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge>): TopoDS_Shape {
        return this.och.filletsService.filletEdgesList(inputs);
    filletEdgesListOneRadius(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletEdgesListOneRadiusDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge>): TopoDS_Shape {
        return this.och.filletsService.filletEdgesListOneRadius(inputs);
    filletEdgeVariableRadius(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletEdgeVariableRadiusDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge>): TopoDS_Shape {
        return this.och.filletsService.filletEdgeVariableRadius(inputs);
    filletEdgesVariableRadius(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletEdgesVariableRadiusDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge>): TopoDS_Shape {
        return this.och.filletsService.filletEdgesVariableRadius(inputs);
    filletEdgesSameVariableRadius(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletEdgesSameVariableRadiusDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge>): TopoDS_Shape {
        return this.och.filletsService.filletEdgesSameVariableRadius(inputs);
    chamferEdges(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ChamferDto<TopoDS_Shape>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.chamferEdges(inputs);
    chamferEdgesList(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ChamferEdgesListDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.chamferEdgesList(inputs);
    chamferEdgeDistAngle(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ChamferEdgeDistAngleDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge, TopoDS_Face>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.chamferEdgeDistAngle(inputs);
    chamferEdgesDistAngle(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ChamferEdgesDistAngleDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge, TopoDS_Face>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.chamferEdgesDistAngle(inputs);
    chamferEdgesDistsAngles(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ChamferEdgesDistsAnglesDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge, TopoDS_Face>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.chamferEdgesDistsAngles(inputs);
    chamferEdgeTwoDistances(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ChamferEdgeTwoDistancesDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge, TopoDS_Face>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.chamferEdgeTwoDistances(inputs);
    chamferEdgesTwoDistances(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ChamferEdgesTwoDistancesDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge, TopoDS_Face>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.chamferEdgesTwoDistances(inputs);
    chamferEdgesTwoDistancesLists(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.ChamferEdgesTwoDistancesListsDto<TopoDS_Shape, TopoDS_Edge, TopoDS_Face>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.chamferEdgesTwoDistancesLists(inputs);
    filletTwoEdgesInPlaneIntoAWire(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletTwoEdgesInPlaneDto<TopoDS_Edge>): TopoDS_Wire {
        const pln = this.och.entitiesService.gpPln(inputs.planeOrigin, inputs.planeDirection);
        const fil = new this.occ.ChFi2d_FilletAlgo_3(inputs.edge1, inputs.edge2, pln);
        const pt = this.och.entitiesService.gpPnt(inputs.planeOrigin);
        const edge1 = new this.occ.TopoDS_Edge();
        const edge2 = new this.occ.TopoDS_Edge();
        let solution = -1;
        Iif (inputs.solution !== undefined) {
            solution = inputs.solution;
        const filletedEdge = fil.Result(pt, edge1, edge2, solution);
        const result = this.och.converterService.combineEdgesAndWiresIntoAWire({ shapes: [edge1, filletedEdge, edge2] });
        return result;
    fillet3DWire(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.Fillet3DWireDto<TopoDS_Wire>) {
        return this.och.filletsService.fillet3DWire(inputs);
    fillet2d(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletDto<TopoDS_Wire | TopoDS_Face>): TopoDS_Face | TopoDS_Wire {
        Iif (inputs.indexes && inputs.radiusList && inputs.radiusList.length !== inputs.indexes.length) {
            throw new Error("When using radius list, length of the list must match index list of corners that you want to fillet.");
        let face;
        let isShapeFace = false;
        Iif (inputs.shape.ShapeType() === this.occ.TopAbs_ShapeEnum.TopAbs_FACE) {
            face = this.och.converterService.getActualTypeOfShape(inputs.shape);
            isShapeFace = true;
        } else if (inputs.shape.ShapeType() === this.occ.TopAbs_ShapeEnum.TopAbs_WIRE) {
            const faceBuilder = new this.occ.BRepBuilderAPI_MakeFace_15(inputs.shape, true);
            const messageProgress = new this.occ.Message_ProgressRange_1();
            const shape = faceBuilder.Shape();
            face = this.och.converterService.getActualTypeOfShape(shape);
        } else E{
            throw new Error("You can only fillet a 2d wire or a 2d face.");
        const filletMaker = new this.occ.BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet2d_2(face);
        const anVertexExplorer = new this.occ.TopExp_Explorer_2(
            inputs.shape, (this.occ.TopAbs_ShapeEnum.TopAbs_VERTEX as TopAbs_ShapeEnum),
            (this.occ.TopAbs_ShapeEnum.TopAbs_SHAPE as TopAbs_ShapeEnum)
        let i = 1;
        const cornerVertices: TopoDS_Vertex[] = [];
        for (anVertexExplorer; anVertexExplorer.More(); anVertexExplorer.Next()) {
            const vertex: TopoDS_Vertex = this.occ.TopoDS.Vertex_1(anVertexExplorer.Current());
            if (i % 2 === 0) {
        Eif (!isShapeFace) {
            const wire = inputs.shape as TopoDS_Wire;
            if (!wire.Closed_1()) {
        let radiusAddedCounter = 0;
        cornerVertices.forEach((cvx, index) => {
            if (!inputs.indexes) {
                this.applyRadiusToVertex(inputs, filletMaker, cvx, index);
            } else if (inputs.indexes.includes(index + 1)) {
                this.applyRadiusToVertex(inputs, filletMaker, cvx, radiusAddedCounter);
        const messageProgress = new this.occ.Message_ProgressRange_1();
        let result;
        Iif (isShapeFace) {
            result = filletMaker.Shape();
        } else {
            const isDone = filletMaker.IsDone();
            if (isDone) {
                const shape = filletMaker.Shape();
                const filletedWires = this.och.shapeGettersService.getWires({ shape });
                Eif (filletedWires.length === 1) {
                    result = filletedWires[0];
            else E{
                // Previous algorithm fails if the wire is not made up of circular or straight edges. This algorithm is a failover.
                const normal = this.och.facesService.faceNormalOnUV({ shape: face, paramU: 0.5, paramV: 0.5 });
                result = this.fillet3DWire({ shape: inputs.shape, radius: inputs.radius, radiusList: inputs.radiusList, indexes: inputs.indexes, direction: normal });
        cornerVertices.forEach(cvx => cvx.delete());
        return result;
    private applyRadiusToVertex(inputs: Inputs.OCCT.FilletDto<TopoDS_Shape>, filletMaker: BRepFilletAPI_MakeFillet2d_2, cvx: TopoDS_Vertex, index: number) {
        if (inputs.radiusList) {
            const radiusList = inputs.radiusList;
            filletMaker.AddFillet(cvx, radiusList[index]);
        } else Eif (inputs.radius) {
            filletMaker.AddFillet(cvx, inputs.radius);