All files / lib occ-service.ts

97.45% Statements 115/118
68.75% Branches 11/16
100% Functions 8/8
100% Lines 108/108

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import { OpenCascadeInstance, Handle_Poly_Triangulation, TopoDS_Shape } from "../bitbybit-dev-occt/bitbybit-dev-occt";
import * as Inputs from "./api/inputs/inputs";
import { OCCTBooleans } from "./services/booleans";
import { OCCTGeom } from "./services/geom/geom";
import { OCCTIO } from "./services/io";
import { OCCTOperations } from "./services/operations";
import { OCCTShapes } from "./services/shapes/shapes";
import { OCCTTransforms } from "./services/transforms";
import { OCCTFillets } from "./services/fillets";
// import { OCCTAssembly } from "./services/assembly";
import { OccHelper } from "./occ-helper";
import { OCCTShapeFix } from "./services/shape-fix";
export class OCCTService {
    public readonly shapes: OCCTShapes;
    public readonly geom: OCCTGeom;
    public readonly transforms: OCCTTransforms;
    public readonly operations: OCCTOperations;
    public readonly booleans: OCCTBooleans;
    public readonly fillets: OCCTFillets;
    // public readonly assembly: OCCTAssembly;
    public readonly shapeFix: OCCTShapeFix;
    public readonly io: OCCTIO;
    public plugins?;
        private readonly occ: OpenCascadeInstance,
        private readonly och: OccHelper
    ) {
        this.shapes = new OCCTShapes(occ, och);
        this.geom = new OCCTGeom(occ, och);
        this.transforms = new OCCTTransforms(occ, och);
        this.operations = new OCCTOperations(occ, och);
        this.booleans = new OCCTBooleans(occ, och);
        this.fillets = new OCCTFillets(occ, och);
        this.shapeFix = new OCCTShapeFix(occ, och);
        // this.assembly = new OCCTAssembly(occ, och); = new OCCTIO(occ, och);
    shapesToMeshes(shapes, maxDeviation, adjustYtoZ): Inputs.OCCT.DecomposedMeshDto[] {
        return => this.shapeToMesh(shape, maxDeviation, adjustYtoZ));
    shapeToMesh(shape, maxDeviation, adjustYtoZ): Inputs.OCCT.DecomposedMeshDto {
        const faceList: Inputs.OCCT.DecomposedFaceDto[] = [];
        const edgeList: Inputs.OCCT.DecomposedEdgeDto[] = [];
        const pointsList: Inputs.Base.Point3[] = [];
        let shapeToUse = shape as TopoDS_Shape;
        Iif (shapeToUse.IsNull()) return { faceList, edgeList, pointsList: [] };
        // This could be made optional...
        // Clean cached triangulation data for the shape.
        // This allows to get lower res models out of higher res that was once computed and cached.
        this.occ.BRepTools.Clean(shapeToUse, true);
        if (adjustYtoZ) {
            const shapeToUseRotated = this.och.transformsService.rotate({ shape, axis: [1, 0, 0], angle: -90 });
            const shapeMirrored = this.och.transformsService.mirrorAlongNormal(
                { shape: shapeToUseRotated, origin: [0, 0, 0], normal: [0, 0, 1] }
            shapeToUse = shapeMirrored;
        // Iterate through the faces and triangulate each one
        const triangulations: Handle_Poly_Triangulation[] = [];
        const faces = this.och.shapeGettersService.getFaces({ shape: shapeToUse });
        let incrementalMeshBuilder;
        Eif (faces && faces.length) {
            incrementalMeshBuilder = new this.occ.BRepMesh_IncrementalMesh_2(shapeToUse, maxDeviation, false, 0.5, false);
            faces.forEach((myFace, faceIndex) => {
                const aLocation = new this.occ.TopLoc_Location_1();
                const myT = this.occ.BRep_Tool.Triangulation(myFace, aLocation, 0);
                Iif (myT.IsNull()) { console.error("Encountered Null Face!"); return; }
                const thisFace: Inputs.OCCT.DecomposedFaceDto = {
                    vertex_coord: [],
                    normal_coord: [],
                    uvs: [],
                    tri_indexes: [],
                    vertex_coord_vec: [],
                    number_of_triangles: 0,
                    face_index: faceIndex
                const pc = new this.occ.Poly_Connect_2(myT);
                const triangulation = myT.get();
                // write vertex buffer
                thisFace.vertex_coord = new Array(triangulation.NbNodes() * 3);
                thisFace.vertex_coord_vec = [];
                for (let i = 0; i < triangulation.NbNodes(); i++) {
                    const p = triangulation.Node(i + 1).Transformed(aLocation.Transformation());
                    const uv = triangulation.UVNode(i + 1);
                    thisFace.uvs[(i * 2) + 0] = uv.X();
                    thisFace.uvs[(i * 2) + 1] = uv.Y();
                    thisFace.vertex_coord[(i * 3) + 0] = p.X();
                    thisFace.vertex_coord[(i * 3) + 1] = p.Y();
                    thisFace.vertex_coord[(i * 3) + 2] = p.Z();
                    thisFace.vertex_coord_vec.push([p.X(), p.Y(), p.Z()]);
                // write normal buffer
                const myNormal = new this.occ.TColgp_Array1OfDir_2(1, triangulation.NbNodes());
                this.occ.StdPrs_ToolTriangulatedShape.Normal(myFace, pc, myNormal);
                thisFace.normal_coord = new Array(myNormal.Length() * 3);
                for (let i = 0; i < myNormal.Length(); i++) {
                    const d = myNormal.Value(i + 1);
                    thisFace.normal_coord[(i * 3) + 0] = d.X();
                    thisFace.normal_coord[(i * 3) + 1] = d.Y();
                    thisFace.normal_coord[(i * 3) + 2] = d.Z();
                // write triangle buffer
                const orient = myFace.Orientation_1();
                const triangles = myT.get().Triangles();
                thisFace.tri_indexes = new Array(triangles.Length() * 3);
                let validFaceTriCount = 0;
                for (let nt = 1; nt <= myT.get().NbTriangles(); nt++) {
                    const t = triangles.Value(nt);
                    let n1 = t.Value(1);
                    let n2 = t.Value(2);
                    const n3 = t.Value(3);
                    if (orient !== this.occ.TopAbs_Orientation.TopAbs_FORWARD) {
                        const tmp = n1;
                        n1 = n2;
                        n2 = tmp;
                    thisFace.tri_indexes[(validFaceTriCount * 3) + 0] = n1 - 1;
                    thisFace.tri_indexes[(validFaceTriCount * 3) + 1] = n2 - 1;
                    thisFace.tri_indexes[(validFaceTriCount * 3) + 2] = n3 - 1;
                thisFace.number_of_triangles = validFaceTriCount;
        // Nullify Triangulations between runs so they're not stored in the cache
        for (let i = 0; i < triangulations.length; i++) {
        // Get the free edges that aren't on any triangulated face/surface
        const edges = this.och.shapeGettersService.getEdges({ shape: shapeToUse });
        edges.forEach((myEdge, index) => {
            const thisEdge: Inputs.OCCT.DecomposedEdgeDto = {
                vertex_coord: [],
                edge_index: -1
            const aLocation = new this.occ.TopLoc_Location_1();
            const adaptorCurve = new this.occ.BRepAdaptor_Curve_2(myEdge);
            const tangDef = new this.occ.GCPnts_TangentialDeflection_2(adaptorCurve, maxDeviation, 0.1, 2, 1.0e-9, 1.0e-7);
            // write vertex buffer
            thisEdge.vertex_coord = [];
            const nrPoints = tangDef.NbPoints();
            const tangDefValues = [];
            for (let j = 0; j < nrPoints; j++) {
                const tangDefVal = tangDef.Value(j + 1);
            thisEdge.edge_index = index;
            tangDefValues.forEach(v => v.delete());
            this.occ.BRepTools.Clean(myEdge, true);
        const vertices = this.och.shapeGettersService.getVertices({ shape: shapeToUse });
        Eif (vertices.length > 0) {
            vertices.forEach(v => {
                const pt = this.occ.BRep_Tool.Pnt(v);
                pointsList.push([pt.X(), pt.Y(), pt.Z()]);
        Eif (incrementalMeshBuilder) {
        this.occ.BRepTools.Clean(shapeToUse, true);
        return { faceList, edgeList, pointsList };